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ASK KEN: Solution-Dyed Carpet & Why it Prevents Stains

ASK KEN - EP. 15:

I want carpet but am worried about stains. What carpet offers the greatest stain protection, and why?

Ken's Quick Answer:

"My favorite stain-protection system is solution-dyed fiber. If you're concerned about the stains that kids and pets make, it makes sense to get a carpet that has the color go all the way through the fiber."

Ken's In-Depth Answer:

"As you can see in the video above, I've purchased a white lab coat to help demonstrate the science behind solution-dyed carpet.

Solution-dyed fiber is something I always recommend to customers who are worried about stains from kids or pets. Believe it or not, carpets start out in a liquid form, as melted-down nylon or polyester. It's during this period that color is added to the carpet, which means the color ends up going all the way through the fiber.

That means that the sun won't fade it and you can't 'wear off' the color by walking on the carpet—even years down the road. Solution-dyed carpet manufacturers even claim that you can clean these carpets with a solution of up to 50% bleach!

For me, I'm a big believer in solution-dyed fiber, where the color goes all the way through the carpet in its liquid state.

That's the story with stain protection! If you want help selecting the perfect carpet for your home, don't hesitate to give us a call at 401-214-0285."