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How To Select Bathroom Tile

ASK KEN - EP. 2:

How do I find the right bathroom tile?

Ken's Quick Answer:

"Begin with the countertop. Countertops are very expensive and an important part of the bathroom. That will give you a good starting point to select other tiles and to coordinate everything."

Ken's In-Depth Answer:

"A lot of my clients come in wanting to select the right tile for their bathroom but are very confused. A lot of the time, they haven't made their mind up about tile color and size. They also don't know whether they want ceramic, porcelain, a patterned tile, or something very plain.

That's understandable, especially because there's so much to coordinate. Typically, in the bathroom you want to select a tile for the wall, a tile for the shower, one for the floor, and you may even have a backsplash or put tile on the shower ceiling. Obviously, that's a lot of decisions to make.

I say begin with the countertops. We don't sell countertops, but they are very expensive and an important part of the bathroom. You may also decide you want the curb of the shower, shower jambs, and maybe even a shower seat to match your countertop selection. So a good starting point is to know what you're going to put on top of that vanity. It doesn't have to be confusing or intimidating if you follow a few simple principles.

Additional Note: If you need help selecting countertops or other bathroom essentials, check out our recommended designers who will be happy to assist you.